Saturday, September 27, 2014

September Odds & Ends

This has been an incredibly busy and fun first month of school! 

We have learned about four different types of stories. As your child is reading at home, see if he or she can identify the book as a:
  •  Pattern book (You can predict what is coming next because of the pattern.)
  • Kinds of... book (Each page or section tells about a new color, animal, truck, etc.)
  • Try, Try Again book (The character wants something and tries to get it in several ways.)
  • Circle story (The story ends where it began, and could happen all over again.)
Understanding these story structures will help your child's reading comprehension.
 In Writer's Workshop, the First Graders have turned our class into a story factory, writing LOTS of small moments stories. We are looking forward to publishing our first books soon!

...and more writing!

Using the word wall to spell words
The students brought home their Spell-a-Thon lists to begin studying for the big test on October 3rd.  We have two first grade lists. The pink list features Trimester 1 words. The blue list was given to students who already know most or all of the Trimester 1 words.

And finally, THANK YOU to the families who came to Downtown Pizza to support Woodview. (And thank you to Mr. Joynt for being a good sport/great tomato!)

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