Tuesday, November 24, 2015

Writers and Readers

Today we shared some of the How-To pieces we have been working on Writing Workshop. Parents, be warned -- several pieces about "How to Get Your Parents to Let You Stay Up Late" were shared! They know all the tricks!
Notice: First Grader does not end up in bed! 
In Reading Workshop, we are in the middle of a unit on reading nonfiction. Here are some of the charts we have built together in class to show what we are learning.

How To Get Super Smart about Nonfiction Topics:
Take a sneak peek to start learning.
Stop and study each page. (Every part of the page could teach you something.)
Guess what might come next.
 Chat about a page of the book. (Infer things the author didn't tell you, such as what happened right before or right after.)
Make your voice sound smooth and lively.
The green sticky notes are goals we want to become even BETTER at doing.

We don't just "sound it out" in First Grade! Here is what we have practiced doing when we come to hard words.

Here is how we retell what we have read.

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