Sunday, December 13, 2015

Our Latest Learning

Here are a few things we have been learning over the past week.

In word study, we played a game to practice the word families -ill, -all, and -ell, as well as to review other word families we have already learned. 

In science, we have started our unit on Solids and Liquids with examining a variety of solid objects. We talked about their properties and figured out what material was used to make each one.

In reading, we are learning to read aloud like experts. Here you see a First Grader reading aloud a nonfiction book about the sun. She prepared her read-aloud like a teacher would, by marking special places in the book where she wanted to stop and discuss ideas with the class. The students had a scientific discussion about orbits, while I stepped aside to take a picture. What amazing readers and thinkers these kids are becoming!

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