Monday, October 30, 2017

Week of Oct. 23-26

Our first graders have been receiving top secret reading missions from the Super Secret Detective Agency. They have learned to notice problems in their reading so they can stop to solve the problems. They are looking carefully at all the parts of the word and doing a s-l-o-w check to make sure they got it right.

In math, we measured the length of objects with non-standard units, such as blocks or chain links.

In science, we learned about silt, which is made of pieces of rock even smaller than sand. We found out that clay is even smaller than silt!

In writing, we have started "How-To" pieces. We had a chance to put our knowledge of how-to writing into action when we followed instructions on how to make slime.

Saturday, October 21, 2017

Week of Oct. 16-20

We had some fun learning with gourds this week. In math, we used pan balances and different math materials to see what would balance our gourds.

We also used "inchworms" to make belts for our gourds. 
Then, in small groups, we lined up the belts from shortest to longest to compare the sizes. 
We used our gourds during writing time, too! We wrote descriptions of our gourds using sensory words. Then we put our gourds in the middle of a circle, listened to a description, and tried to pick out the gourd being described. 

Sunday, October 15, 2017

Week of Oct. 9-12

This week in math, we learned about the tens place and the ones place in two-digit numbers. We learned that we can represent the same number in a variety of ways.

We met our 4th grade reading buddies and had our first opportunity to read with them!

In science, we separated a mixture of rocks by their sizes. We used screens with different sized holes to do it.

On Thursday, we participated in an all-school art project by helping to create a giant chalk mural in front of Woodview.

Friday, October 6, 2017

Week of Oct. 2-6

This week in reading, we had our first class discussion about a book. We talked about the decision the animals made in Farmer Duck. We practiced taking turns without raising hands and responding to what other people said. We learned to politely disagree by saying, "I disagree because..."

In science, we washed rocks to see how their properties changed.
Some rocks became shiny.

Some rocks became darker.

This rock (scoria) bubbled when it was placed in water!
We found rocks outdoors, and we sorted them by their properties.

In math, we played different games and did activities to help us learn addition doubles facts.

Using the mirror to figure out doubles

 We also learned to tell time to the hour.

We went on a noun hunt throughout the school. 
We hunted for nouns in other classrooms....

... and in the office.

Even our stuffed animals learned at school this week!

Sunday, October 1, 2017

Week of Sept. 25-28

We continued to learn about different cultures this week.
One student brought in items from India.

Another student brought in a dress from Spain.
In science, our brassica plants have flowered. Each day, someone does the job of a bee. That student "bumps" all the flowers with a cotton swab to pollinate them.
We also began our science unit on Pebbles, Sand, and Silt. We found out what happens when rocks rub together -- it makes sand!

In math, we began working with doubles. We used a mirror to help add numbers when we didn't have enough fingers, such as 7+7.
In writing, we acted out our small moment stories with partners. This helped us see if we needed to add any details.