Friday, February 12, 2016

Our 100th Day of School

Wednesday was our 100th day of First Grade. We celebrated by incorporating the number 100 in our learning throughout the day.

We started the day by hunting for number stickers hidden all over the room.

When we colored the numbers in on a number grid, something appeared...

... the number 100!
Our next challenge was to read 100 books, as a class.

Each time we finished a book, we recorded it on a chart.
We ended up surpassing our goal!

Our list of 106 books we read on the 100th day!
We did some special writing about the number 100.

We make cereal necklaces to explore ways to make 100, especially 10 groups of 10 or 20 groups of 5.

Just for fun, we used an aging app to see what we might look like when we are 100. Our laughter might have been heard all over the school! These brave students gave me permission to share their "old" pictures.

We had a fun day, and we are excited about the learning yet to come. 

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